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The Pride of Life 🏆

Writer's picture: J-WILL Guide The WheelJ-WILL Guide The Wheel

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

The Pride of Life

How many of us came up in the 90’s?

How many of us were molded by tha culture of that era?

I know I was…

Whether you came up in tha 90’s or not, if you were molded by the culture of your day, then I would bet that the pride of life was a motivated factor…

As Christians, we are supposed to be BORN AGAIN, NEW creatures in Christ…

"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world” -1John 2:16

I can only speak for myself, but maybe someone reading this can relate:

I recently inquired of tha Lord on what was biggest hindrance separating my heart from him?

How many know that if you seek the Lord wholeheartedly, he will respond? 🤚🏽

He showed me, deep in my heart, I was still caught in tha snare of tha Pride of Life…

Which, to me, was the mere overcompensating of a deeper identity crisis, wound of abandonment, fatherlessness, misguided energy, insecurity, you catch my drift...

Appalled & Disappointed, I had to acknowledge that this was deeper than wha mere behavior modification could resolve…

This was a matter of tha heart 💔

A compromised mindset 🧠

A spirit 👤 of this world 🌎

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”

-Romans 12:2

Being conformed to this world will have us being exploited by people who don’t even love us, to turn around and stunt on the people who really need us! I'll say it another way:

Being conformed to this world will have us trying to fit into a broken system we were sent to make a difference in by standing out! No more for me… Tha standards of this world ain't even realistic… There's no lasting joy or real love in the world… It consists of unhappy, broken, arrogant, lost, hurting people, who need a savior, just like you, just like me!

Hip-hop definitely played an integral role in my generation, which served as a surrogate father to so many of us who grew up with tha absence of our own… 🎼

Social Media also has played a significant role in keeping people chasing fantasy instead of getting help in reality…

It’s all insanity if you ask me…


I come to bearing GREAT NEWS to tha hurt, the lost, tha bastards, tha abused, tha orphans, and fatherless, like me!

The creator God has made a way to graft you into his family tree!

His name is Jesus! 🩸

It'z time for us to DISOWN our surrogate father of tha world and run into the open arms of our HEAVENLY Father, in Jesus name!

He loved us so much, that he gave his only begotten son to be ripped apart for us… wow… (John 3:16) ✞

If you acknowledge:

  • You have been Deceived

  • You've potentially been living a lie

  • You have Father wounds

  • You’ve been shaped by the world who served as a surrogate

  • You want to be free from the snare of the Pride of Life, hindering you from being 💯 with Father God

  • Creator God truly desires to be your Heavenly Father and graft you into his family tree

  • Jesus is the way, the truth and the life

Then pray this prayer with me:


I’m a sinner...

I'm Lost without you…

The world has molded me more than I’ve realized…

I no longer want to be a child of this world,

But I want to be an unadulterated child of God...

Forgive me of my Pride…

I have been deceived…

Heal me of my wounds…

I've been abused, hurt and abandoned...

Come into my life

Clean me from within

Adopt me into your family, by your blood

Transform me into a TRUE son of God so I can serve you with integrity and live with you eternally…

In Jesus Christ Holy name


Keep reaching out to God in spirit and in truth and he will make your paths straight.

Thank you for taking the time in reading this,

Thank you for praying with me 🙏🏾

Until next time






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